14 November 2011

Meeting Minutes - 11/10/2011

  • During this meeting Campus Grow members and new members did arts and crafts which will be sold next Thursday (11/17) at the Down Under Food Court from 8:00 am to noon! The volunteers also enjoyed fresh strawberries, tomatoes from the garden and apple/nut cake!
  • Emilie conducted a small workshop of making flower from old cloth that would be thrown away! The volunteers produced around ten beautiful flowers that will be sold to raise funds for the garden!
  • Three new members joined our organization! Welcome Katie, Madelyn and Grace!! We hope you enjoin being part of Campus Grow!
    Thanks John Nemier, our outreach coordinator, for making a wonderful speech at the Student Dietetics Association last week!
  • We also will be tabling the following days : 11/28 (Monday), 11/29 (Tuesday) and 11/30 (Wednesday) at the Down Under Food Court!
    • Here are the following hours that each person committed to tabling:

      Monday, 28th
    • 11:00 am -12:00 pm - Grant
    • 12:00 - 1:00 pm - Madelyn

      Tuesday, 29th
    • 1:00 - 2:00 pm - Jeff
    • 2:00-3:00pm - Emilie

      Wednesday, 30th
    • 12:00 - 1:00 - Trisha
    • 1:00-3:00- Emilie
    • Please, remember to commit to what you signed up for!
  • We need a volunteer to pick compost from GreenTree and take it to the small garden!! 

12 November 2011

Craft Night

Thursday's meeting was well crafted with Emilie teaching how to create fabric flowers for next Thursday's tabling fundraiser. We also had clay to make beads and veggie/mushroom figurines. Join us Thursday November 17th, 8am-noon in the UC!

We will be tabling again in the UC the week after Thanksgiving break:
Monday Nov 28, 11a-1p
Tuesday Nov 29, 1p-3p
Wednesday, Nov 30th, 12p-3p

We're still working on the legalities of potential volunteer accidents in the garden. There are many sharp tools (thinking of hte time I chopped myself with the pruners). Hopefully all we'll need is a sign saying "Garden at your own risk"(:

Above all, great job everyone! Thanks for your ideas and hard work. Thanks to the gardens for another bountiful year. Until next time...

08 November 2011

Meeting Minutes - 11/3/2011

During the last meeting we discussed about:

1- Plating clover seeds (cover crop) on both gardens:
   Volunteers planted clover in the big garden on Friday, 11/4!! We need volunteers to plant clover in the small garden as well.

2- Thanksgiving Fundraising
    We wish to table next Tuesday , 11/15 and Thursday next week, 11/17. This are the hours that the volunteers will be tabling in the Down Under Food Court:

Emilie - 9:00 - 11:00 am
Jackie - 11:00 - 12:00 pm
Jeff- 12:00 - 1:00 pm
John - 2:00 - 3:00 pm

Emilie- 09:00-11:00 am
Grant - 12:00 - 2:00 pm

3- Our next major fundraiser is going to be on "Super Bowl" weekend, on February! We are going to make a   big "Campus Grow Cleans Your Party" effort! More Info to come!!

4- Our first trial of the event "Campus Grow Cleans Your Party" is going to be either last weekend of November or first weekend of December. More Info to come!!

5-We scheduled a "seeds saving day" for the meeting after Thanksgiving week, the 12/1! More Info to come!!

6- We need to calculate the amount of mulch and wood chips we are going to need to both gardens, so we can ask the Facilities Management for a donation.

7- Active members received an electronic spreadsheet with the hours worked at the garden!
Congratulations John Nemier and Grant Clarkson!! You both successfully completed the hours needed!

Members that still need to make up October hours are:
- Heather

Members that still need to e-mail us the spreadsheet:

8- John performed a GREAT job last week and visited the Student Dietetics Association! We are looking forward for future partnerships with this group!!

9- John has also developed a good job looking at legal issues concerning our garden. He is going to develop a volunteer waiver form, and he suggested that we widen the walking paths of the  spiral garden located in the Big Garden to avoid people to get hurt!

10- A new idea also introduced by John is the concept of monthly dues. Campus Grow active-members would be required to pay a monthly due of $5 dollars to keep their membership. Many organizations use this concept and are successful, this would keep the garden going in better conditions so the community and CG volunteers can benefit from it!! A survey about this topic will be sent out, watch your e-mails!!

Next meeting, 11/10/2011, will be Thursday in Brooks 201 at 5:30 pm! We are going to have a "arts and crafts day" to make recycled crafts for our tabling fundraising next week!! Please, bring the following materials

- Scissors

- Glue
- Newspaper
- Cereal boxes (and similar boxes)
- Thread
- Paper that can be reused (that is print/written in one side)
- Any other recycled material that can transformed into a craft!

Hope to see you all there!!

27 October 2011

27 October 2011

Productive meeting today with half business-business, half weeding-business. For all available, this weekend will be geared toward weeding both gardens in order to till and plant our crimson clover cover crop next week. Thank you in advance, and many post-thanks to those who helped last weekend.

We are working on changing our facebook page to one of 'like' rather than having to accept friend requests. If there is a knowledgeable someone on this topic already, please speak up!

 We feel a great deal of honor in combining forces with the Japanese Culture Club of Mid Michigan, and the mutual support therein.

We are excited to work with the MSU Extension Master Gardeners, especially in the area of the Small Garden. Our plans so far include perennial herbs and shrubs, and are still in the early stages of development.

The dead cherry trees are in the process of getting removed, and their wood turned in to art for viewing pleasure in the Gardens. Contact us if you would like to help, and/or have heavy duty tools that would make this process much easier and safer.

Until next time, grow on.